Within every child is the need for recognition, whether female or male. To be recognised and celebrated is an innate desire common to all children. When celebrated, children feel loved. Ultimately, the fulfilment of this intrinsic desire fosters a sense of togetherness and makes the child feel valued, regardless of the nature of what is being celebrated, the size of it or even how it is celebrated. Recognising and celebrating landmark moments is cardinal to the development and wellbeing of children, as well as being beneficial to the lives of their loved ones. Celebration contributes to the development of their social, cognitive, and emotional skills, as well as positively building their mental health. When children are celebrated by family, community and even the world at large, it sparks within them happiness and boosts meaningful learning, even with precious and lasting memories.
For this cause, Celebration Magazine UK exists. Celebration Magazine UK is a success storytelling magazine that captures and celebrates the victories of children from all walks of life and age groups. It aims to recognise the small wins and big achievements of children, either within the home, school, or community, hereby, granting assured support that stimulates handwork in the pursuit of their goals. In addition, improving their performance in all aspects of life, while encouraging and instilling a better view of themselves and others.
One of the foci of this magazine is to increase self-esteem and foster good habits among children. Also, it seeks to inspire and encourage both children and their families to cultivate the custom of celebrating life’s special moments with one another for as long as we have them. Prideful displays nor boasting is the aim of Celebration Magazine UK, however, we recognise that celebrating children helps to strengthen them in their experiences, levels of resilience, passion and dedication.
At Celebration Magazine, our purpose and commitment remain to be a source of motivation and inspiration to other children and their families, by celebrating the successes of children quarterly per annum. Upon their arrival into the world, it is expected that children’s achievements are celebrated at each phase of their growing lives, either by affirmative words, gifts, or by sharing little wins with friends and families. Undoubtedly, celebrating children has an evident impact on our world today, as some have received scholarships, all-expense-paid-for trips to places of interest, and other noteworthy accomplishments.
It is worthy of mention that the potential and successes of many children which could serve as a source of motivation for many others go unnoticed, perhaps due to a lack of willingness from parents and guardians to celebrate such. Fortunately, Celebration Magazine is dedicated to bringing the wins of children to the limelight for the inspiration of other children.
We publish our magazines to the end that families, homes, communities, and even organisations such as schools, places of worship, and the like are inspired to recognise and celebrate children in their various endeavours, whether sports, hobbies, academics, and so on. We are dedicated to providing support for friends, families and communities, even as we promote every child’s accomplishment and victories. With your kind engagement, we hope to serve this purpose.
Thank you.